The Truth About Santa

“Sometimes it takes a child to make us understand the great mysteries of life.” It was just a few weeks prior to Christmas When my wife said, “I think it’s now time To talk to your son about Santa. Hope your answers are better than mine!” Well, the...

On The Death Of A Pet

“In a family, pets can be nearly as important as people. Explaining the cycles of life to a child can also be demanding.“ The words, I found hard to deliver, “Topper, our pet, passed away.” The lips of my young listener quivered, And I watched his face...

When The Grass Grows Under The Swing Again

“The next two poems are sort of bookends representing a phase of family life. The first of the two recounts a day when a father realizes that time with his kids is limited and vital. The second of the two occurs when that special era of having children in the...

Painting The Door

With a bucket of outdoor white paint in my grip, I stand by the graying door, Thinking that, now, The hoop should come down, Since it seldom gets used anymore. But the round, dirty marks that surround the old net Make me think of past contests held here, By this door...

My Mailbox

Where my box stands in this country Matters not so much to me. It can be beside a mansion Or a tent down by the sea. The one thing that’s important Until my days are through, Is, wherever my mailbox is, Your mail’s delivered...